Tuesday, January 4, 2011


Hi guys, its been a long time since i update this blog.
Been real busy with events for 2010.. and now we came to a point with no return... Its 2011 already!!!! yeah!!!!!

so as all of you have known our dearest idol Faizal Isa has enlisted for National Service already so he might be very busy to reply some of our tweets at twitter.. huhu.. :(
well don't be sad peeps.. just keep sending in your tweets to him.. and he will definitely reply your tweets when he book out EVERY FRIDAY 5.30pm insyaallah.... :)

so for those who have yet received the news,
2010 has indeed been a wonderful journey for our idol here..
with Funky Fai being the wings behind his back, press, media and others.. Maafkan Ku Oh Cinta a.k.a #MKOC became a success!!

And to end 2010 sweetly,
#MKOC emerged at no.9 in top 30 most popular songs of the year..
thank you so much to all that have done your part on making this dream come true.. :) *big hugs everybody*

wait up!!!!! thats 2010.. now is 2011.. why not we make our NEW YEAR resolution by making #MKOC NO.1 IN RIA CHARTS THIS YEAR!!
i know its hard but we should never say never in everything..
Agree much??? haha.. so simply follow the details given below and start requesting #MKOC AGAIN!!!!

for GROOVE express SEGMENT every Mon- Fri 8pm-10pm
simply type:

GROOVE (space)Maafkan Ku Oh Cinta(space)Faizal Isa(space)2nd song choice(space)artiste name for 2nd song choice(space)Your Name(space)Your School(space)suka/duka(space)reason of why you are feeling SUKA OR DUKA
send it to 72346

for KLUB kelakar seram SEGMENT every Mon-Fri 10pm-12pm
simply type:

KLUB Nak Mintak Lagu(space)Maafkan Ku Oh Cinta(space)Faizal Isa(space)2nd song choice(space)artiste name for 2nd song choice(space)Your Name
send it to 72346

for LAGUKU SEGMENT every Sat-Sun 12noon-2pm, 3pm-5pm
simply type:

LAGUKU(space)Maafkan Ku Oh Cinta(space)Faizal Isa(space)2nd song choice(space)artiste name for 2nd song choice(space)Your name
send it to 72346

so guys keep this request coming and insyaallah we will make #mkoc to the top again yeah!!!


with love,
eaJONAS(President of Funky Fai)

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